Our interview with SCANDAL!
Left to right: Haruna, Tomomi, Mami, Rina
Welcome back to North America! We at JpopRocks were excited when we first got word of the "Special Thanks" tour announcement. What are you looking forward to seeing, experiencing, and especially eating when you come back to America?
ようこそ、北アメリカへ、おかえりなさい! JpopRocks は Special Thanks ツアーのことを聞いてとってもうれしかったんですよ!アメリカで楽しみにしてることは何ですか?特に食べたいものとかありますか?
During our trips to North America, I enjoy even just taking walks through different towns, so I'm excited! Especially NYC, since it’s been 10 years since we've been there as a band…I want to eat those colorful American-like donuts! Last time, I got the chance to eat Mexican food and I LOVE it! So, I'm looking forward to that as well.
アメリカに来たら、ただ色んな街を歩くのが好きなんで、すごく楽しみにしてます。特にニューヨークはバンドとして行くは10年ぶり。カラフルなアメリカらしいドーナツが食べたいです! 前回はメキシコ料理を食べたんですが、と〜っても美味しかったんで、それも楽しみ!
Our media company is based in San Francisco, so we're super psyched that you have a tour stop at the Regency Ballroom! Of all SCANDAL songs, which one would you each mentally associate with California?
私達、JpopRocks はサンフランシスコにいるんで、リージェンシーでのライブが楽しみで待ちきれません! SCANDALの全曲の中で、気持ち的にカリフォルニアぽいものってありますか?
Hmm…I think our song, “STAMP” has the California-like feel. When we were making “STAMP”, we had been listening to a lot of songs that had a California-feel. We even took our official Artist photos at Venice Beach in LA! I think other than “STAMP”, “Your song”, also has that California-like feel.
そうですね、「STAMP」がカリフォルニアっぽいと思います。この曲を作っている時、カリフォルニア感のある曲をいっぱい聴いてたんです。それに、私達のオフィシャルアーティスト写真はロスアンジェルスのベニスビーチで撮られたんですよ。「STAMP」以外では、「Your Song」 がカリフォルニアっぽいと思います。
Earlier this year, some of our staff actually got the chance to see the live in Niigata last spring! The songs from the HONEY album gave the live a different feel from one's past, whether it was the energetic "Platform Syndrome", or the heartfelt ballad "Mado wo Aketara". How would you put it into words, that difference this time around?
今年の春、私達スタッフの一人が新潟でのライブに行けたんです!アルバム 「HONEY」の曲、例えばエネルギッシュな「プラットフォームシンドローム」や、心に響く「窓を開けたら」はライブを今までとちょっと違う雰囲気にしたと感じました。今度はどんな風に変わっていくと思いますか?
Because that Niigata show was a part of the “HONEY” album tour, the concept and songs were centered on “HONEY”. With the “Special Thanks” Tour shows, it’ll be freer! Of course, we will be performing songs that we want you to hear from the “HONEY” album since it is the latest, but we will also perform songs from our last album release, “YELLOW”, since we haven’t performed songs from this album in North America yet.
新潟でのライブは、アルバム「HONEY」のツアーだったのでテーマや曲は「HONEY」が中心でした。「Special Thanks」ツアーは、もっと自由な感じで行きます!最新アルバム「HONEY」からぜひ聴いて欲しい曲はもちろん、その前の「YELLOW」の曲も北アメリカのライブではまだ聴いてもらってないんでやります。
Haruna: You released your first photobook, SOMEWHERE, this past month. Have you learned anything new about yourself after taking on the project?
Given that I officially turned 30 years old and our staff had also recommended it…we made this photobook. I realized that I actually like being photographed! Also, because of this shoot, I was able to do something other than tour and do band-related activities, which made me think about wanting to take a trip for myself!
Photo courtesy of Haruna's IG (haru_na810)
Rina: A lot of the faster/intense songs off HONEY makes our fellow staffer, who plays drums, feel like his arms are gonna fall off. What is the most challenging song for you to play off the album?
With the “HONEY” album, we got to do a lot of the arranging, so I wouldn’t necessarily call it a challenge per say. It definitely was a struggle though, to get used to songs like “Platform Syndrome” and “OVER”. Another song, called “Midnight City”, was actually the first song that I had ever sang and played the drums at the same time on. Up until this point, I did have some songs where I was the main vocalist, but usually at the live show, I’d be playing the guitar, not the drums!
Tomomi: The backstory to the song you wrote, Mado wo Aketara, is very unique and heartfelt. What made you guys decide to specifically release it on this album, or rather, why do you feel like it was ready to be released?
We had this song made already during our last album before “HONEY”, “YELLOW”. However, “YELLOW” had a very bright, open-hearted feel to it so I didn’t feel like it matched the vibe at that moment. “HONEY” has more of a mature, feminine feel to it, so I thought the song would match better with this concept.
Mami: After the HONEY release, how do you feel you've evolved as a songwriter?
Yes, I was a songwriter on many of the songs, but I also got to arrange a lot of the songs on the “HONEY” album, so I feel a bit more confident now. I was really happy that a lot of people complimented us on the “Oh! No!” song and during our live shows, “Electric Girl” became a really popular tune, more than I had actually expected. Overall, “HONEY” is an album that we REALLY like.
SCANDAL has been viewed as the pioneer of the modern all-female rock band seen by many. Do you see yourselves as respective senpais to other performers that look up to you?
Hmm…we don’t really look at it like that, but we love all-female band music so whenever new Artists comes out, we check a lot them out! I hope this all-female band scene grows to be even more exciting!
う~ん、そんな風に考えてはないですが、全員が女性のバンドっていいです!だから、新しいアーティストが出てきたら注目してます! ガールズバンドシーンがどんどん大きくなっていったらいいですね!
Aside from music, we've enjoyed seeing you all pursue other aspirations, such as modelling, fashion, travelling, and others. Can you tell your fans what else you've been up to?
We actually design our own clothing line as well. We have our brand called Feedback! so, if you get a chance to hang out in Tokyo, please come by and check it out!
Photo courtesy of Feedback! TW (feedback_tokyo)
We look forward to SCANDAL rocking the Western Hemisphere! Do you have a parting message for our worldwide audience here at JpopRocks?
SCANDALが西半球で大暴れしてくれるのをみんな楽しみにしてます! 最後に、JpopRocksを通して、世界のファンへメッセージをお願いします。
Everybody in the Western Hemisphere! We will be bringing you new material as well as some throwback material so please come and hang out with us at our live shows! For those who don’t know our music or somewhat know our music but never seen us perform live before, our live shows are our essence! Our reality! so please come and experience this with us! We look forward to meeting you all!
西半球のみなさん!! 私達、新しいもの含むお楽しみのパフォ―マンスをお届けするので、ぜひ、ライブに来てください! 私達のことをまだ知らないとか、知ってるけどライブ を観たことがないというみなさん、ライブがホントのリアルの私達なんです!だから、ぜひライブ体験して下さい! みんなに会えるの楽しみにしてます!
SCANDAL OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.scandal-4.com/
OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/scandalSMEJ
OFFICIAL FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/scandalofficial
OFFICIAL TWITTER: https://twitter.com/scandal_band
OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/scandal_band_official/