BABYBEARD! Ladybeard is back!
The adorable SUZU, Ladybeard and KOTOMI
JPR: Ladybeard. Please tell us what you’ve been up to in the last few years.
LB: Well, for those who don’t know me, my name is Ladybeard and I am a cross-dressing pro-wrestler, heavy metal singer and kawaii-idol from Australia, now based in Japan. I was in a pop/metal group in 2015/16 that produced a song called Nippon Manju that went viral on YouTube. Sadly that group came to an end, but it has been made clear to me by fans around the world that what the world wants to see from me is a return to the essentials of that group. Me, a bearded aussie wrestler in a skirt, screaming and dancing kawaii-metal songs, flanked by 2 adorable girls. The world has asked for it, and now, after 5 years of waiting, we can bring that magic to audiences around the world again.
JPR: You’ve formed a new group, BABYBEARD. Can you tell us more about it?
LB: YES!!! Ladybeard’s new group BABYBEARD is coming at you in 2021!! I’m so excited!! We’ve been able to return to the 3-member group structure that made Nippon Manju so beloved, AND we’ve been able to assemble the same song writing team that made Nippon Manju! That would be musical geniuses Takashi Asano and Natsumi Tadano. Those 2 make songs like nobody else can, and I’m SO EXCITED to sing their songs again!!
JPR: The JPR owner met you, Ladybeard, a few years ago. He recalls you spoke several fluent languages. Is that true and which languages? Do you ever perform your songs in those languages?
LB: Well, the only one I speak fluently in English. But yes, on top of that I can bumble may way through a conversation in Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin and German. On top of that, Kotomi speaks some Korean, and our manager speaks Spanish. So as a unit we tally up conversational skills in 7 languages, and it’s hard to get more global than that.
JPR: Do you have any upcoming online concerts or fan based streams you would like to announce?
LB: At this stage, no. But, if the songs stream in abundance and fans demand online shows, our management company will have no choice but to acquiesce. So get on your streaming service of choice and start streaming NIPPON MARA KONNICHIWA and PIENIZER by BABYBEARD from April 28. Let’s pump these things up so we can bring the BABYBEARD concert experience to you!
JPR: BABYBEARD is “an Adorable Assault of the Senses”. What does that mean to you and your band members?
LB: AN ADORABLE ASSAULT ON THE SESNES!! On every one of your senses! BABYBEARD is visually spectacular, aurally incomparable, energetically immense, and quite frankly, the most earth shattering force to enter you life since the discovery of electricity!! BABYBEARD is comin at you, world!! Get yourself PREPARED!!
SUZU: This phrase is our motto. We’re happy to have BABYBEARD full of Japanese Kawaiiness, and we’re very glad that many people around the world are supporting us! We will bring more and more kawaiiness to move your soul!
KOTOMI: We will keep upgrading our kawaiiness until we get to stimulate your emotions!
JPR: JPR is an American based media site. Does BABYBEARD have any plans on doing any American tours now or in the future?
LB: We will come and perform in the United States THE SECOND it’s practical and possible for us to do so. Now, with the current state of the world, it seems we still may have to wait awhile for that. However in the meantime, we are sending ALL OUR LOVE and energy and good vibes and kawaiiness to you, in America, through the magic of the internet. That’s the theme of our first single “NIPPON KARA KONNICHIWA”! Until we can physically meet and give you a big hug, we’ll send all our love to you through the web-waves. We’re shouting out a huge “KONNICHIWA” from here in Japan. Holler back, America!!
SUZU: We’d love to go to the US! I want to sing and get excited with the fans in America. We’ll prepare ourselves well until the day we can actually meet them!
KOTOMI: I want to go to the US!! America is a huge country so I have many cities I want to visit!
JPR: Can you tell us more about the new members of BABYBEARD? We want to know more about SUZU and KOTOMI.
LB: Yes, Suzu and Kotomi, they’re both adorable! We selected these girls from a pool of candidates from all over the world, through an audition process that lasted several rounds. Suzu was the very first candidate through the door of the physical audition, and she blew us away with her beaming smile and sweetness. Awhile later Kotomi came in, and amazed us with her dancing and enthusiasm. Kotomi’s member color is blue and her hero is Doraemon, and Suzu’s member color is green. She loves teddy bears and shopping. And Ladybeard’s image color is pink. In case you were wondering.
SUZU: I’m SUZU! I love teddybears and minions! I like eating, sleeping, and fashion! We’ll bring our kawaii to you!!
KOTOMI: I’m KOTOMI and my member color is blue! I like idols and Doraemon! I watch Doraemon anime and idol videos when I have spare time!
JPR: Please tell the JPR fan base what you are looking forward to with BABYBEARD?
LB: Holy smokes, you need to get online and check out our first singles “NIPPON KARA KONNICHIWA” and “PIENIZER” right now! That’ll give you an example of the super-kawaii-super-sweet-super-hardcore mish mash of J-pop and metal that we have comin your way!! Once we get ourselves in front of you on a stage, you better watch out! We are gonna dance so hard that your scarf will fly off! That’s what I’m looking forward to: getting in front of some live audiences with the girls and these songs!!
SUZU: I’m looking forward doing live performances. I can’t even sleep thinking about the day we can actually sing on stage!
KOTOMI: I’m looking forward to doing lives and get excited with the fans! I can’t wait to go to many countries to do live performances.
JPR: Do you have any ultimate goals? Any specific location you want to perform?
LB: What would our goals be other than WORLD DOMINATION!!!!🤟
SUZU: Now it’s difficult to do live performances, so doing those is my personal ultimate goal! I really want to meet everyone and perform in front of them!
KOTOMI: My goal is to meet the fans all over the world in person to bring our happiness! I want to go literally every place where the fans are!
JPR: Is there anything specific you would like your fans to know about BABYBEARD?
LB: If you loved Nippon Manju, you’ll love this. We’ve worked hard to put the pieces that made that song such a hit back together, and we can’t wait to show you our hard work!! Please follow and subscribe to BABYBEARD on social media, and stream songs with impunity from April 28! We’re thrilled to bring BABYBEARD to you, and we hope you’ll love the fruits of our labor!!
SUZU: Our new songs “NIPPON KARA KONNICHIWA” and “PIENNIZER” will start streaming on April 28th! Please listen to them when you feel happy, sad, sleepy, even when you wake up in the morning! You can enjoy them in every situation!
KOTOMI: I would say…we sing a lot when we have spare time… We sing K-POP or One Direction, which are songs all three of us know.
JPR: Do you have a message to your English speaking fans?
LB: People of the world, rejoice! BABYBEARD is finally here!! I’ve been asked to do this every single day, by fans all over the world, for the last 5 years. FINALLY we can bring this group to you, and we’re sure you’re gonna love it!! Please help us out by streaming the songs as much as you can and following our social media, and we promise to work as hard as we can to bring you smiles and positivity, even in your darkest hours. BABYBEARD has arrived! And your world will never be the same! Let the adorable assault on the senses begin!!! ❤️☠️🤟
SUZU: I’m very glad that we have a lot of support from people far away from Japan. We try to give genki and make you happy as much as possible. Please love me and my unit BABYBEARD a lot❤︎
KOTOMI: Both of our new songs will give you much energy, so please listen to them and be energetic! Until the day we can meet in person we’ll bring you as much kawaiiness and energy as we can through the internet, so please support us! See you soon!